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This very special and personal series titled "Unmasking" came about during the pits of my depression and suicidal thoughts. During this time, finding motivation to do anything lacked heavily, but somehow one of the most powerful healing tools came of it.
**Some of the writings and images may be triggering. Please use caution when continuing to view this page.**

Alive in New Light
What I'm about to say might sound crazy, but here it goes—and honestly, would that be any different from the usual things that come out...
The only thing that is certain is that nothing is certain. I’ve been having to find grounding in uncertainty lately, and as a control...
Words Have Meaning
Boy, lately I have been having to get really clear on the meaning of words. I've spent alot of time reading different in depth...
Crayon Box
I.AM.OVERWHELMED.BY.THE.COEXISTANCE.OF.ALL.MY.FEELINGS Every morning I wake up, and my mind starts with one feeling. Then something in...
State of Body
We always say “state of mind” but what about “state of body?” I’ve been hyper aware of the different states I put my body through, daily,...
The World's Gone Mad
Show less Why am I awake? Having anxiety about hypotheticals. Hypothetically speaking, my anxiety shouldn’t wake me up. Hypothetically...
The end of the year is here. It’s my favorite time of year. I love a fresh start and even though we get this everyday, a new year seems...
I want to be love(d)
On the New Tonight
This morning while doing my daily scroll I saw the post of the reporter who has been reporting on the ground since the start of this. She...

Trauma Response
The last month or so, out of nowhere, I found myself feeling very regressed in my growth and mental health. It was like I had time...

Fear is an Illusion
Apparently we are in Uranus Retrograde right now. I have never been into astrology much mostly in regards to the personal assessments,...

Shaky Ground
Shaky ground Trembles with my voice My wor(l)ds are alive.

I have been struggling to feel safe to share my thoughts again. It’s interesting these stages I go through. Everything is just a scratch...

Oh Universe
I have really been listening to you dear Universe. I see how you are directing me...showing me who I should be attracted to and who I...

Unconditional love is problematic. When should the conditions start? Does the more time and the more blood shared mean a higher threshold...

Annoying thoughts trickle down to create a reflection to see the unseen. Fermenting like bad wine made in basements. All I can do is...

Burning Man
August 25th I wrote: Fears: That they’ll leave me here on the playa with no way home. Abandonment That I have interrupted their lives and...

Intention vs Impact
Intention: To love and support, and maybe even empower people I care about using what skills I have in any way I can make their lives...

For years I have been learning to love myself through self portrait work. Learning to feel comfortable in my skin. Learning to move past...

Report me and unfollow me. Im tired of living in fear. Call me a slut, I don’t care. Rape me, try and break me, but you’ll never win at...
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